Responsible Flushing Alliance announces support for new Michigan non-flushable wipes law

SEATTLE, July 23, 2024-

The Responsible Flushing Alliance (RFA) announces its support for the new Michigan law requiring non-flushable wipes such as baby wipes, surface cleaning wipes, makeup removal wipes, and other non-flushable wipes commonly used in the bathroom to prominently display the "Do Not Flush" symbol on packaging. The law will help consumers differentiate between wipes that should never be flushed and those that are flushable.

Michigan is one of seven states to require the proper labeling of non-flushable wet wipes. Other states include California, Washington, Oregon, Illinois, Colorado and New Jersey. Additionally, federal legislation, called the WIPPES Act, has passed the House and is now in the Senate. The WIPPES act would make it a national requirement for all baby wipes and other non-flushable wipes made with plastic fibers to have the "Do Not Flush" symbol.

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