Baiya 2024 results: revenue surges 51.77%, net profit up 20.74%
SHENZHEN, China, March 23, 2025-
Chinese hygiene products manufacturer Baiya Sanitary Products Co. (Baiya) posted its 2024 financial results on Mar. 22. Revenue achieved a year-on-year increase of 51.77% to 3.25 billion yuan ($447.7 million). Net profit attributable to the owners of the parent jumped by 20.74% to 287.67 million yuan. Net profit attributable to the owners of the parent after deducing non-recurring profit and loss rose by 17.77% to 253.98 million yuan.
Revenue of its feminine napkins business was 3.05 billion yuan, accounting for 93.63% of its overall revenue, which achieved a year-on-year increase of 59.91%. Revenue of its diapers business was 93.48 million yuan, accounting for 2.87% of its overall revenue, which dropped by 20.46% year on year. Revenue of its ODM business was 113.74 million yuan, accounting for 3.5% of its overall revenue, which fell by 6.11% year on year.
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